Our Story


Fun fact: Did you know that Little Golden Shepherd's namesake is a young girl? Our young girl. Aurelya Ciobanu, or (roughly translated) the Little Golden Shepherd.


With the birth of our first daughter, we started on a journey to learn more about natural alternatives to the baby products available in stores. In the process we educated ourselves on the usefulness of various herbs, essential oils, and natural oils and butters. The more knowledge we gleaned, the more we began to appreciate the veritable pharmacy God offered us when He made the world. We became convinced that remedies could be developed to serve others. Diving ever deeper into herbology, we began formulating and trialing a line of massage butters, each of which had a specific family member in mind. The butters worked so well that friends of family came to us who wanted to try the product for themselves and share with their own family members. As the demand grew, Little Golden Shepherd launched as an online store late 2015.

Over the next few years LGS continued to grow, selling online and in local stores, as well as at various pop up events around the area. However, in 2018 we felt it was time to shut the business down for a season. Other demands on our family necessitated this move, but we trusted it wouldn't be forever. Over the last 5 years our family has grown from three to six, moved across the country, and faced a variety of trials. However, everything that happened led us to a place where we now feel ready to relaunch with expanded production and renewed vision.

Our mission has always been to use our products to bless people, and that hasn't changed. May the work of the hands our family be a blessing to yours.


Summer, Adrian, Aurelya, Arwyn, Soryn, and Skylynn